The Advantages of Online Teaching
Education, as we know, is evolving from being confined to just classrooms and books to online lectures and e-libraries. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has caged us all inside our homes, online learning has come up as an alternative for providing an educational platform to students and teachers. This has helped the teachers to reach students around the globe. Nowadays many applications are providing a platform for teachers to help explain the concepts to the students with the assistance of animated videos and graphs. Online teaching facilitates the students to rewind and replay the pre-recorded lectures multiple times, let alone live chat with the teacher.
The online platform makes it easier for the school and teachers to maintain a digital repository of the class recordings, student assignments, their attendance, and performance. It helps better analyze the ability of students, their understanding of subjects and further make plans on how to improve their results.
Online teaching helps reduce the cost of infrastructure required. The expenses such as electricity bills, maintenance of the building, and assets are significantly reduced. As this technology is evolving rapidly, the teachers are now able to teach from home making the process more efficient. The use of a green screen helps with the dynamic content to be added into the lectures in post-processing. This content may include graphs, pictures, and other techniques they want to use while teaching.
In the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic, educational institutions and teachers have understood the value that the internet can bring. The heightened use of E-books, documentaries and videos have helped students continue with comprehensive learning systems. Teachers have turned to platforms like The Pirate Bay to help them gather all the educational resources for for their students.
One of the advantages a teacher gets from online teaching is that they can be anywhere at any time, yet they’ll be able to record the lectures and upload it for the students. This comes with individual comfort as well for both the teachers and the students.
Teachers can have a quiet space for recording and the traditional class nuisance can be avoided, which provides them with more concentration followed by better teaching skills. This also helps with the mental health of the teacher as they wouldn’t have to worry about reaching the schools or colleges in time or struggling with every student to clear the concepts. With online teaching, they can easily provide multiple contents for a single topic or subject.
Online teaching makes it easier for teachers to easily provide content and handouts with various applications like google drive and google forms. Online education can also be considered environment friendly as the documents or pdf for the handouts are digital, therefore no one has to worry about printing them out in bundles. This way, the content of the handouts can be edited very easily which is not the case with a printed ones. This comes with another benefit, that is less expenditure of money as well as time. It also helps keeping up with the deadlines and events, help efficiently notify the students about their schedule and tasks.
Another benefit of online teaching is that teachers from around the world irrespective of their native languages can record and upload the lectures on websites like YouTube, and a student can read the subtitles for the same in order to understand. Hence, making the way of communication easier for everyone.
This type of education looks promising and will be beneficial in appealing to a larger section of the population than ever before. It has several perks as stated above let alone empowering the teachers and students to grow and explore beyond the boundaries.