Do you want to know about Kuttyweb website? Do you want to download New Tamilmp3 songs? Here this article will guide you to complete your wish.

Basically, music is the most beautiful part of everyone’s life. Most of the fellows did not cross a single day without music. so, the music content website (Kuttyweb) also participates in a special part in people’s life.
Kuttyweb is such one of the websites to download Tamil mp3 songs. And also, Kuttyweb is the old finest website to download Tamil devotional songs. Since from my childhood I use this website to download Tamil mp3 songs and Tamil movies.
Table of Contents
kuttyweb Tamil MP3 songs and Ringtones download
Kuttyweb website has blocked several times but now it uses a new URL link as The old URL link such as used before is The cybercrime department of India has banned this link. Therefore the past 2019 year onwards it uses the new link.
The website has an internal link to download Tamil mp3 songs but uou have to click above the internal link to download the mp3 songs. The internal links have linked to some other website names. The following are the websites.
- Masstamilian
- TamilRockers
- Kuttywap
- Kuttyweb
- 123Musiq
- Isaimini
- Tamilwire
How to download kuttyweb movies
In addition, When you are trying to download mp3 songs you have to search the song under the various genres. If you find the song then click the link above the song name. It goes to another webpage.
In that Kutty web webpage, You have two options to go. One is the online streaming of mp3 audios. Another option is to download the song. It has three varieties of quality.
- 64Kpbs
- 128Kpbs
- 320Kbps
In that you have to click the any of links you wish to download. Suddenly, it redirected to a blank page. And then the download gets started. You can hear and enjoy the song after download it. Hurrah! Lets start your music journey.

kuttyweb Ilayaraaja video songs download
Kuttywap website has easy searching options to download. Certainly, the most of two music legends of the Tamil industry is A.R.Rahman and Music Mastro Ilayaraja.
This website also contains a separate link and webpage for Ilayaraja songs. Under ilayaraja hits kuttyweb webpage has so many sub-genre like
- Thiruvasagam SongsIlayaraja,
- Ilayaraja Tamil Love Songs,
- IlayarajaSpecial hits,
- iIlayaraja Sad songs,
- Ilayaraja old songs,
- old hits 1980s masstamilan,
- Ilayaraja love melody songs,
- ilayaraja hits padalgal
The website has also provide the hits of A.R.Rahman. Nowadays, There are more fans are following A.R.Rahman. As well as the evergreen list of A.R.Rahman hits are leaked in this website.
About Kuttyweb yearly collection
Moreover, the best option given in kutty web has a yearly collection list. The yearly collection starts in 2016. The mp3 song’s release before 2016 has in one collection link named Tamil Old songs.
As we all know that kuttywap is more popular for both mp3 songs and Video songs. The evergreen hit songs of Tamil are mostly available on kutty web website. When you try to download the evergreen songs of Tamil it is not available on other websites. It is only available on kuttywap website.
Meanwhile, entertainment plays a vital key factor in everyone’s life. The age factor is also the main concern to download different varieties of mp3 songs.
That means old people may download only old Tamil songs. Identically, youngsters want to download newly released Tamil mp3 songs. Nonetheless, another it has collections of all age factor citizens.
What are the Alternative websites for kuttyweb collection
Nowadays, we have so many options to go to for everything. Everybody has a different taste to download songs. I have noted below some other alternatives to download Tamil mp3 songs.
Consequently, if you any some other websites to download then just share with me via comment box.
Repeatedly asked questions about kuttyweb
The old name of Kuttyweb website is kuttywap.
It is not legal and unsafe to use. But there is no other big issues to use.
Isaimini and Masstamilian are the competitors o Kuttyweb.
Obviously, yes, it is available in separate link named New 2020 Tamil songs.
It has dozens of thousands songs and above in collections.
We can download vijay songs in kuttyweb through vijay sons download link.
As I mentioned above this is a piracy Tamil mp3 songs website. So I just shared this article to give my point of view about kuttyweb website. But it is a popular website used by illegal.
If you want to share anything regarding this article or any queries about this then just leave a comment in the comment box. I hope this helps you to guide. I glad to wait to help you